Rita Candeias's profile

Pensar Criticamente

With this work, I intended to exalt the ability to critique and reflection of each person on the random events and world paradigms. Since the true cause that I address, it's about a society that does not want to overcome their own crises, allying themselves in a deep conformism - the rejection of individual judgment in front the whole range of information that we are daily exposed.
The project involved the creation of three objects:
- Pop-up fold, with informational content into smaller topics and facts about some global statistics related to the subject in cause.

- Five posters with collage illustrations, made from gluing elements taken from magazines, newspapers, shopping receipts; in order to manipulate/ transform, all the visual information, taking into account, the message i intended to pass.

In order to create an interaction with the public, all the constructive manner of these posters, was based on a playful Mad Fold-In, taking advantage of the concept idea in this project. That there's always more to know and think, than what it is given us firthand, informed, or shown visually.
A massa cinzenta / A massa é outra e não é cinzenta
Estar ciente / Estimemos um ágil pensar de forma a cimentar o consciente
Como bichos / Consumismo tão enfermo que nos torna nuns bichos
Lixo visual / Liberação sem nexo cuja visita é bem pontual
Prazer banal / Pragas a mal condizer que banham o povo no geral

- A zine under the structure of a manifesto. This object underlies all the central points of the cause, through texts and collages
Pensar Criticamente


Pensar Criticamente

Academic social project, about critical thinking.
